Sports Info

Registration Policies

  1. Late registrations will only be accepted if there is space.
  2. Late sign-ups will be on a waiting list in the order that they were received.

Registrations are not considered valid unless a completed, signed registration form is submitted along with the stated registration fee.

Parents Code of Conduct Guidelines


  1. Let your child’s coach know if you will be late or if you are unable to attend a game or practice.
  2. Be on time when arriving and picking up your child.
  3. All children are responsible for their equipment, including their uniform.
  4. Make sure your child has properly eaten before the game or practice. Any items to be consumed during a game or practice should be brought to the bench.
  5. Spectators should watch from the sidelines or stands – they cannot stand with the team.
  6. Do not drop off a player or his/her sibling(s) or leave them unattended during games or practices.
  7. Please remember the coaches are in charge of coaching the players. If there are questions about coaching decisions or you would like to coach, please contact Park & Recreation

Players Code of Conduct Guidelines


  1. Unacceptable language will not be tolerated.
  2. Physical aggression will not be tolerated.
  3. Leave the facilities clean when play is over.
  4. Use facilities and equipment in an appropriate manner.
  5. Missed practices or absences will be dealt with by the coaches.
  6. Play hard, play safe, play by the rules, and have fun.

Cornwall Park and Recreation wishes to make you aware of the following:

“Per Connecticut General Statute 19a-77, Cornwall Park and Recreation is required to disclose that our services and programs are not licensed by the State Office of Early Childhood”

Public Act 16-100 requires towns to advise parents of children (up to 17) that the towns child and youth programs are not licensed by the Office of Early Childhood.

Please feel free to contact the director if you have any questions or need additional information.